Stand up against the commercialization of Father's Day!

The Wicket World of Croquet Day, June 13th - It would be a shame (not to mention a huge faux pas!) to splash red wine on your croquet whites. So a white wine is the order of the day.
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Robert Mondavi's Birthday, June 18th - Make a toast to one who shaped the global wine business! It seems only right to toast Mr. Mondavi with a California Cabernet.
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Stupid Guy Thing Day, June 28th - June's 4th Sunday is designated to celebrate all the crazy things guys do because, well, we're guys. There is no incorrect wine for this day - so take your pick from anything in our store.
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Please Take My Children To Work Day, June 29th - A holiday for at-home parents, encouraging them to find child care and spend one full day for themselves. This calls for a special treat - a wine that can create a pleasant memory to be conjured at will during more stressful times , a wine that encourages extended sipping over the course of a leisurely afternoon. Trust me, the housework can wait. I know this from experience.
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~ Harmon Killebrew, American League Slugger. (June 29th, 1936 - ?)