Father's Day Wine? Sure, but what about…

Stand up against the commercialization of Father's Day!

fathers-dayIt's now officially out of hand - Cafe Press claims custom T-shirts are the prefect gift for Dads, while Hog Island proposes oysters as the preferred path to proper Papa appreciation. Square Trade tells you to buy him a warranty, for God's sake! Starbuck's pushes Dad's coffee, and I'm sure you've received dozens of offers to buy wine for Father's Day. Who needs one more voice in this cacophony? Not me. And since my wines (and postings) appeal to independent thinkers, I'm suggesting some fun alternative celebrations for the month of June:
  • The Wicket World of Croquet Day, June 13th - It would be a shame (not to mention a huge faux pas!) to splash red wine on your croquet whites. So a white wine is the order of the day. [caption id="attachment_509" align="aligncenter" width="150" caption="Click to enlarge"]Click to enlarge[/caption]
  • Robert Mondavi's Birthday, June 18th - Make a toast to one who shaped the global wine business! It seems only right to toast Mr. Mondavi with a California Cabernet. [caption id="attachment_510" align="aligncenter" width="150" caption="Happy Birthday Bob!"]Mondavi, tireless promoter[/caption]
  • Stupid Guy Thing Day, June 28th - June's 4th Sunday is designated to celebrate all the crazy things guys do because, well, we're guys. There is no incorrect wine for this day - so take your pick from anything in our store. [caption id="attachment_511" align="aligncenter" width="124" caption="Eating Contests"]hot-dog-eating-champion[/caption]
  • Please Take My Children To Work Day, June 29th - A holiday for at-home parents, encouraging them to find child care and spend one full day for themselves. This calls for a special treat - a wine that can create a pleasant memory to be conjured at will during more stressful times , a wine that encourages extended sipping over the course of a leisurely afternoon. Trust me, the housework can wait. I know this from experience. [caption id="attachment_512" align="aligncenter" width="150" caption="Relaxing Mom"]Relaxing Mom[/caption]
Cheers! Dave the Wine Merchant Dave@SidewaysWineClub.com 866-746-7293 Quote of the Day "My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard. Mother would come out and say, 'You're tearing up the grass.' 'We're not raising grass,' Dad would reply. 'We're raising boys.'"

~ Harmon Killebrew, American League Slugger. (June 29th, 1936 - ?)

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