During the course of my solar orbits, I've observed broadcast news shift from dry, informative information to content that embeds feel-good stories between dire warnings of the falling sky. Such is the destiny of today's fragmented media marketplace.
So I wasn't too worried when I read the headline "Weed Killer Could Be Lurking In Some CA Wines". But if one follows the "where there's smoke, there's fire" it does seem as if Monsanto's 'RoundUp' is too ubiquitous to NOT become a factor in the health of some portion of the population.
The news on wine containing traces of this popular weed killer is just the latest bit of inflammatory news. Clearly, our entire food supply is at risk, as are our watersheds. I suggest a wise approach is to keep looking at the research beyond what our current news cyle allows.
I'll keep an eye on this to see if wineries diminish their use of RoundUp, or if organically raised grapes still have traces of the carcinogenic chemical, and see if there is scientific consensus (outside of studies sponsored by Monsanto) that indicates glyphosate is encroaching into our food and water supply at a level worthy of concern. Stay tuned.
See the original broadcast here:
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