Food Pairings - Grüner Veltliner

Grüner Veltliner: One of the world's most food-friendly wines

Grüner Veltliner leaf and cluster © Austrian Wine / Armin Faber

What Is This Thing Called Grüner?

Grüner Veltliner (GROO-ner velt-LEEN-ur, or more commonly in the U.S., VELT-leen-uhr) had a number of strikes against it from the get-go. First, those of us who did not take German found the name challenging. But the wine had its day in the sun, so to speak, in the late 90's / early 2000's when its sudden popularity came with its own groovey nickname - literally, Gru Vee.

But as with so many things in life, its sudden fame begat posers eager to jump on the band wagon. They planted Grüner Veltliner vines where they didn't do well, and when they flooded the market with inferior wine, a generation of new wine lovers decided Gru Vee just wasn't for them. Strike two.

Strike three came when it challenged white wines that were more popular in the U.S. - in those days, Chardonnay was royalty and the most highly-rated Chards were big, high in alcohol, heavily oaked, and buttery... the opposite of Grüner Veltliner!

Natural Wines To The Rescue

20 years later, the natural wine movement has opened people's eyes (palates?) to the joy of terroir-driven wines, those that are lower in alcohol and feature more complex aromas, flavors and pleasures! Today, Grüner Veltliner is becoming known as one of the world's great, food-friendly wines, and particularly when its from Austria, where it is the most widely planted grape variety. It is valued for its ability to reflect its origins, making it slightly different with each region and sometimes even the vineyard.

Grüner Veltliner's essential characteristics feature white pepper, ripe/juicy stone fruits, mouth-watering citrus and a streak of minerality. It's these features that make it so delicoius when paired with any of the following dishes. I recommend picking up a case of Grüner Veltliner and putting your favorite food delivery service on speed dial!

Eat This With That (Grüner Veltliner)

Though Grüner Veltliner is one of the most versatile food wines, it's good to know that it comes in a range of styles, from featherweight to middleweight. The difference is largely due to its age - the wine grows deeper as it ages - but also the warmth of the region. Check with your trusty wine merchant if you need more info!

Vegan & Vegetarian

Grüner Veltliner shines here, as it's able to pair with veggies that are difficult for most wines. And the E.U. actually marks their vegan bottles with a V label (, making it easy to find bottles that don't use any animal products for filtering or fining!

Asian Dishes

If your dinner companions order a wide range of Asian foods, don't worry. From hot and spicey to briney to sweet-and-sour, Grüner Veltliner can span the lot of food styles. Some fine points of pairing will help, however. As hot chilis are common in many Asian dishes, look to richer versions of Grüner Veltliner, those from warmer regions or with a bit of bottle age. Tannin and acidity will fight the heat, making the pairing unpleasant on your tongue, the oral equivalent of putting rubbing alcohol on a sunburn.

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