The Associated Press reported yesterday (11/1/07) that scientists have isolated the chemicals responsible for the dreaded "Red Wine Headache". This is good news for those who love red wine but abstain for fear of the unrelenting pounding that can ensue the next day.
The funny part is, the chemicals behind these headaches were discovered by chemists at U.C. Berkeley working with NASA-funded technology designed to discover life on Mars. I find this headache research a far better use of the equipment, given the low likelihood Mars will yield any life form even close to the fantastic Martian fantasies of my childhood.
The chemicals behind the headaches are called biogenic amines, according to the AP Report. They are common in chocolate, cheese, olives, nuts and cured meats as well as in wine (mostly red). Some have suggested using the new test to determine amine levels in wine for publication on the wine's label. I tend to think we have enough details with our current back-label warnings about how driving heavy equipment while intoxicated can lead to pregnant women - or something like that.
Sadly, the scientific breakthrough (in the form of a five-minute chemical test) only identifies that the amines are present. No cure yet exists (click image above to link to recommended treatments from MedToGo). And as any student of American behavior knows, what we're REALLY after is the ability to sin and then find instant forgiveness in the form of a little pill. Could somebody get to work on that please?
Dave Chambers, Wine Merchant
Today's Quote (von Goethe)
"I will not be as those who spend the day complaining of headaches, and the night in drinking the wine that gives it"
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