Brillat Savarin

Brillat Savarin

Brillat Savarin Are you looking for a triple crème cheese, look no further than this store and staff all-time fave.

Rich in butterfat with a thin, edible, pillowy white rind, Brillat Savarin melts on the tongue with flavors of fresh cream and white mushroom.

Brillat was created in the 1890s as Excelsior or Délice des Gourmets. Cheesemaker Henri Androuët renamed it in the 1930s as an homage to 18th-century French gourmet, writer and political figure Brillat-Savarin.

Brillat-Savarin is produced all year round in Burgundy and Normandy. It comes in 5 inch wheels and approximately 1.5 inches high, and is aged for one to two weeks. 

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Cana de Cabra

Cana de Cabra

Cana de Cabra

Caña de Cabra
Reminiscent of Bucheron, this pasteurized, soft-ripened goat cheese log is made from the same rich Murcia goat milk found in our very popular Capricho de Cabra.

The flavor is creamy and mild, with the soft citric tang one expects from a fresh goat’s milk cheese. Creamy and mild, with tangy citrus notes, this soft-ripened goat cheese log is much like the French Boucheron. Murcia is famous for its rich quality goat’s milk. It’s aged for a minimum of 21 days and is creamy, mild and intensifies as it ages.

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