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Aldinger 2022 Feldhase Trollinger

Aldinger 2022 Feldhase Trollinger

Regular price $21.00
Regular price Sale price $21.00
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No grape exemplifies Württemberg quite like Trollinger. Italophiles lap it up when it is called Schiava and the Austrians grow tons of it when it's called Vernatsch. But it is indigenous to Germany, where it's known as Trollinger - same DNA, three regional names! 

Susceptible to over-cropping and wateriness, in Aldingers’ hands it becomes a thing of beauty – with plenty of color and fruit, against which the trademark earthiness manifests as a nuance rather than a dominant trait. The name “Feldhase”, or “hare”, pays homage to the producer’s devotion to nature. According to the story, the Aldingers were sitting around their outdoor tasting table, struggling to come up with a name for the wine, when a hare came hopping up as if to say "why search any further?"

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