Every once in a while, if you're lucky, you get to see an ad campaign that changes your industry. You may have to set your way-back machine all the way back to the Bartles & James Wine Cooler era before you'll see a series of ads to match the "Pinkies Down" series from Union Wine Company out of Oregon.
I find the ads to be hysterical, poking fun at the techniques and (often) pretense that a thorough knowledge of wine requires. After the various actor-snobs establish their unabashed and off-putting wine bonafides in four amusing scenarios, salvation is delivered in the form of the Union Wine Co product - wine in a can.
Kudos to the agency Story Manufacturing Company out of Portland. Even if you don't have the time to watch all of them right now, do it anyway. Especially if you're in the wine industry. Here's the first one to get you started. Just look for the links to the remainder after this one finishes.
Cheers! Dave the Wine Merchant