Special Event: Pinot Noir Showdown

Special Event: Pinot Noir Showdown

Wed, Nov 13 (6:00 - 7:30 PM): Montclair Event, "Pinot Noir Showdown - Volcanic vs Sedimentary" Seated Tasting of 4 Ken Wright Pinots. $45/person

Ken Wright is one of Oregon's pioneering winemakers. A fan of Burgundy's two main grapes - Pinot Noir and Chardonnay - Ken built his reputation in the US and abroad by focusing on the nuances brought to his wines by different soil types.

In this intimate, seated tasting, we'll compare four different Pinots:

From Ken's AVA Series:

  • 2022 Yamhill Carlton AVA - this area consists of marine sediment (Wellsdale, Willakenzie and Melbourne). We'll compare this wine to another pinot from a very different part of the valley...
  • 2022 Eola-Amity Hills AVA - marked by volcanic soils, Jory & Nekia. See what you think and then pick a favorite between the two.

From Ken's Vineyard Series:

Moving from the larger AVA grapes pulled from a single vineyard is like turning up the volume. Here we'll see sharper contrasts between the wines.

  • 2022 Savoya Vineyard Pinot Noir - ancient marine sediment (Wellsdale)
  • 2022 Canary Hill Vineyard Pinot Noir -  volcanic soils (Nekica and Jory)

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